Hook. Line. Sinker.

The Eastwood strategy was brilliant!!  Look how much time the MSM has spent attacking Clint today when they would have been attacking Romney all day instead.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

The MSM took the whole day to pontificate about how “bizarre” the speech was. MSNBC called it “embarrassing” and a “disaster”.  Goon Michael Moore chimed in to say it “will be played to audiences a hundred years from now as the Most Bizarre Convention Moment Ever.”

(I hope like hell it is!)

No one took one second to think that BOTH Romney and Eastwood are BRILLIANT and the MSM got played-like-a-fiddle Thursday night.

How many acting awards has Eastwood won?!?!!  How many hostile situations has Romney been in?!?! How many scripts has Eastwood written?!?!  How many business plans has Mitt authored?!?!

And, you think they are so stupid and naive to put that out there not knowing how the MSM would react.

An empty chair and an invisible president saying ‘go ~blank~ yourself’.


Thank you Mitt Romney.  Thank you Clint Eastwood.